We are a B-Corp!

We are a B-Corp!

B Corps are businesses that embody the highest social and environmental standards for people and the planet. It’s how we’ve always done business. As a plant-based business, it's part of who we are and embodies our All Plant, All welcome mantra. Our Bcorp certification is the proof to prove it and drives us forward to bigger and better things. Discover what it means and what it takes to become a B Corp! 

What is a B Corp? 

Bcorp certified businesses meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. B Corps don’t just care about profit – they care about people and the planet too. That’s how we’ve always done business – but now we’ve got the stamp to prove it.  

There are currently over 6,000 B Corps in 161 industries and 89 countries across the globe. We’re proud to be a member of the club, being re-certified in our own right in 2022. Now, we’re determined to continue our mission more than ever. 

What is so special about being a B Corp? 

B Corps don’t just strive for greater and greater profits, we are champions of using business as a force for change. We’re one of a rapidly growing number of B Corps committed to driving change in business and society. Harnessing the power of business, B Corps use profits and growth to create a positive impact for their employees, communities, and the environment. B Corps work together across the globe for a healthier environment, more inclusive communities, reduced inequality, and the creation of jobs with dignity and purpose. We want to inspire other companies to join us on the journey. 

How did Vega become a B Corp? 

The B Corp assessment measures a business’s performance in five key categories – governance, workers, customers, community, and the environment – using independent and verifiable standards of social and environmental performance. 

Here are just a few of the initiatives that helped us meet B Corp certification: 

  • High impact business model: Being a plant-based protein company means every one of our products helps reduce emissions and the environmental impact of protein by helping people move towards a more plant-based diet! 
  • Living Wage employer – We pay our staff a living wage with best-in-class benefits from unlimited vacation time to extensive maternity and paternity leave. 
  • Volunteering - Volunteering days provided for all our staff across North America. 
  • Gender equality – 63% of our managers and leaders are women! 
  • Green office operations – Our office is fossil fuel free and LEED certified Gold. 
  • Training & education – onboarding all our staff to our sustainability practices and policies throughout the year. 
  • Commitment - Our commitment to social and environmental practices extends to our company charter. This was amended to give employes the freedom and protection to embed sustainable practices within our practices and embrace a triple bottom line approach, rather than a drive just for profits. 

What’s our B Corp score? 

Businesses need a score of 80 points or above to achieve B Corp certification. We’re proud to exceed this already high standard and we look forward to achieving an even higher score when we next re-certify.  

To maintain our B Corp certification, we need to continue documenting our positive impact to qualify and undergo re-certification every three years. Stay tuned to see how we improve our business!